Texas Based International Wedding & Portrait Photographer
"Photography for me is a passion, a mixture of science and art that creates magic. If a day goes by without photography, it's incomplete."
Scott MacQuarrie

Ciao and welcome!
Thanks so much for stopping by my website! If you’re here, it shows me that you’re interested in my work and that makes me happy. I base my photography off of what my clients are looking for and continue to strive to impress future clients. From the day I booked my first session until now I am constantly in awe of just how awesome my clients are (hopefully this means you very soon!) and how they become close friends over time.
Since I like people to know all about me before a shoot, here’s some background on my life and how I’ve come to be a photographer: I married my high school sweetheart on April 14, 2006. We spent our first three years of marriage living in Colorado Springs, CO on the Army base and made lots of friends. I owned a 35mm film camera back then and seemed to take pictures of just about anything I found artistic. It wasn’t until we, in October of 2008, moved to Italy that I bought my first DSLR camera, a Nikon D60. Now I shoot with my Nikon D90 and two prime lenses, my 35mm 1.8 and 50mm 1.8.
We spent three years overseas traveling and during that time we created a family. My son was born in March of 2009 and was my photo inspiration and the boost I seemed to need to start my photography business. So much of my time was split between learning the art of photography, shooting to build my portfolio, and being a wife and mommy. Now that we are back in Texas, we have had our second son on April 3, 2012 and love that our family has grown! Throughout it all, I have learned one thing: there’s always more to learn!
Living in the Dallas / Fort Worth Metroplex means that I get to continually meet new people, network with other local photographers, and continually grow my business.
Now, I want to hear from you! Email me today for more information on booking a session!
About Bliss